Redshift calibraition surveys (DESI, 4MOST)
& intrinsic alignment of galaxies
Our papers:
DES Year 6 weak lensing
& Baryon feedback
Our papers:
DES Year 6 cosmic shear
Applications for postdoctoral positions are typically due in December. Up-to-date job postings can be found here.
We'd be delighted to accept Hubble/Einstein, Brinson and NSF Fellows - please reach out with questions.
Modelling the impact of baryonic feedback on large-scale structure
Our papers:
Weak lensing + kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
Weak lensing power spectrum reconstruction &
Prospects for axion dark matter
Our papers:
S8 tension: non-linear solution
Intrinsic alignment of galaxies & measurements of baryon feedback
Our papers:
If you are interested in a PhD in my group at Princeton, please apply to the graduate program in Astronomy (or Physics). I am happy to discuss opportunities and possible projects with admitted students.
Baryonic feedback modelling
Dwarf galaxies
Baryonic feedback modelling
We typically advise a few Princeton physics/astro majors each year for JPs/Senior Theses/summer research. If you are interested, please email a copy of your resume, an unofficial transcript, and a description of any relevant research, programming, or course experience.